Sunday, 12 December 2010

Want to Make Alternative School

Triunfo Del Amor - MANY that we can achieve in school without having to rely on academic achievement. That is the motivation that is embedded within Yasminul Firdausy sweet virgin, girls who are now sitting in class XI IPS SMA Plus Motahhari. Until finally he managed to snatch the first winner for Scientific Writing Contest (KTI) and a Documentary Film Bandung.

"My accomplishments in school is not always a champion, but I am more motivated to do activities outside was like following a music club to nature lovers. The reason? Many of which we can from there, even life lessons often enough I found out rather than just academic learning and struggling with the bench, "said the girl is usually called Yasmin which also is Vice Chairman of the OSIS SMA Plus Motahhari.

Furthermore, he talked about his experience to be champions. For the race, admitted, not champion the priority scale, but rather the pleasure of doing it. "I was happy to do so the maximum quality even come alone," he explained.

According to the girl who was born 16 years ago, the activities outside the academic not only expand the friendship, but also to broaden your horizons. Because, in principle, science we can get it anywhere, not just struggling with textbooks. Moreover, explained Yasmin, support parents to be encouraging him to continue to be the best for themselves. "Luckily, the parents I have never demanded I be a champion in school. However, because it also widened the best I could, at least for myself first. To be sure, parents are very supportive and make their principle demands science anywhere, do not be a burden , and beneficial for others. The important thing is we are willing to do it. That's what makes me be like now, "proud.

While the subject position as vice chairman of student council, he invested not to be authoritarian in the lead. "Because, the body without a head has no meaning. In conclusion, I was not me, but that there is us and I am equally good name of the school building. In addition, to become a leader, its capital is only one that is listening and do not just want to be heard . The point I should also try to understand other people, not just ego to do what we want, "he added.

Clearly, there is one dream that he wanted to make happen than just the importance of personal interests and achievements in the future Yasmin confessed want to build an alternative school. Strictly speaking, students can learn anything and are not fixated on the conventional education today.

"Moreover, in Indonesia is still fixated on the standard system of government. In fact, many other things we can learn not only to the extent that," he said.

Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Corruption Department of Public Works

Camille Grammer - Cases of alleged corruption Department of Public Works (PU) Makasar increasingly pursed. Section, Finance & Development Supervision Agency (BPK) to immediately audit the amount of loss the state.

That was done after finding a strong indication of alleged corruption involving the head of the Office of Public Works (PU) of Makassar, Ridwan Muhadir.

City Government officials were tripped case of procurement of clean water distillation in Barrang Lompo and alleged corruption of maintenance and rehabilitation of public buildings and infrastructure office.
Step BPKP was revealed by State Attorney Kasi Intelligence (Kejari) Makassar, Syahran Rauf, after exposure to before the members of the BPKP, Monday (15/10).

"They (BPKP, red) also supports the indications of corruption and unlawful act committed Makassar Public Works Department, after listening to the results of the investigation team," he said.

He added that the results of the investigation team Kejari Makassar, items that allegedly unlawful act is feasible Makassar Public Works Department, the budget allocated for the procurement of building materials.
Rated material prices overpriced and far above the market price and inflate the budget for the payment of wages to workers.

To prove the allegation that, according to Syahran, BPKP will take the price of the actual material from our distributors. In addition there are also allegations of falsification of evidence proving wage administration.

The amount of PU dugunakan budget for materials and wages, respectively Rp8 billion and Rp 4 billion.
When asked state losses due to corruption, the Syahran reluctant to mention the exact numbers.
"Nantilah after BPKP finished work. Moreover, next week has been no result, "he explained.

Meanwhile, Representative auditor Makassar, Imam Nugroho which was confirmed by exposure to justify a separate investigation team Kejari South.
Nevertheless, he could not explain the early occurrence of the alleged acts of corruption and pidan tort exposure cases because not attend Kejari Makassar.

Monday, 27 September 2010


Bikini - ダブルスの息子ボナSeptano / Mohammadさんて、Ahsan、日本スーパーシリーズ、金曜日(24 / 9)の準々決勝の対象とLuluk Hadiyanto /チャンドラWijayaさんの内戦を獲得した。

ボナ/して、Ahsanダブルダブルつのゲーム21〜19 21〜14で2000年代初めまで、住民pelatnas 1990年代のですLuluk Hadiyanto /チャンドラWijayaさんを破ったCipayung pelatnasの息子です。

後半では、水曜日(23 / 9)で、ボナは/して、Ahsan、ダブルタイ、Songphon Anugritayawon / Sudket Prapakamolから削除します。準決勝では、彼らがトップマレーシアの具して、Kien Keatさん/タンブーンHeongと韓国はダブルス、金武起チョンシード/新白哲の間の準々決勝戦の勝者をお待ちしております。

しかしボナ/して、Ahsan、混合が続く失敗の成功は倍になります。台湾、陳鴻リン/チェンウェン興からの優れたterseingkir 7の手の中にフランKurniawan /ぴあZebadiahのペア。彼らは29分で17-21で17から21まで失った。

Sunday, 12 September 2010

Propriétaire Honda Paru

Bikini - PT Astra Honda Motor (AHM), Dawn (09/07/2010) l'envoi de plus de 2.000 voyageurs dans sa ville natale à l'aide de 65 bus. Deux jours plus tôt, un certain nombre de leurs vélos 1.000 unités étaient déjà partis. "Moto a atteint la ville de destination hier (06/09/2010), et nous avons préparé avec de l'essence en option, de sorte que les voyageurs continuent de vivre en paix à l'emplacement de la dernière destination», a déclaré Istiyani Susriyati, Chef de la clientèle de Honda Centre de soins ( HC3) AHM.

Spécial, les participants déchargent MUDIK Bareng Honda (MBH) en 2010 a été effectuée directement par le gouverneur de Jakarta, Fauzi Bowo. "Merci à Astra Honda Motor, qui a présenté le consommateur à rentrer chez eux dans un monde plus sûr, dit-il en guise de salutation.

Après berlebaran dans ma ville natale, AHM également mettre en œuvre le programme avec Honda Retour Ensemble route Semarang - Jakarta le 18 Septembre 2010. "Ceci est un test, car il est généralement hors de portée des voyageurs calendrier plus variées. Nous voulons savoir combien animonya, avant de poursuivre sa mise en œuvre», a déclaré Istiyani.

À ce jour, 51 motos ont été enregistrés qui participeront à nouveau ensemble, qui sera transportée au moyen d'un camion et deux bus.

Décontracté Honda Bale
Pour anticiper les voyageurs qui utilisent encore des motos, AHM encore fournir MUDIK post connue sous le nom Casual Bale Honda, entre Décembre 7 to 13 Septembre. "Nous continuons à donner aux consommateurs le meilleur pour les motos Honda, afin qu'elles restent à l'aise dans les allers-retours", a déclaré Istiani

AHM fournit un point 42 composé de quatre postes sur le Nagrek exclusive, Pamanukan, Tegal et Caruban sont ouverts 24 heures, 14 Post Image qui exploite également 24 heures et 24 sont «Hass» ouvert 16 heures en veille. "Tant le pilote et la moto va obtenir une variété de services dans chaque poste. A partir de la réflexologie à des rabais sur les pièces de rechange jusqu'à 20 pour cent", a ajouté Istiani.

Vérifiez Jaya Metro Point Polda
Soutient des programmes Polda Metro Jaya, AHM prévoit également quatre autobus à l'un des dix points de contrôle répartis dans tout le Jabodetabek frontière. Metro Police Check Point est destiné à protéger contre usagers de la route au cours Lebaran. Y compris la prévention tandem voyageurs sur une moto plus de deux personnes.

Sur les sites situés dans Bekasi, est un bus qui transportera les voyageurs de la moto plus tôt. "En plus d'appuyer les programmes de la police métropolitaine, nous voulons aussi les voyageurs qui utilisent moto Honda peut arriver sains et saufs à leur destination», a déclaré Kristanto, Chef de la Communication Corporate de AHM. Les autobus fournis par AHM aura voyageurs en provenance de Bekasi à Cirebon.

Tuesday, 17 August 2010

Menjalankan "Misi Rahasia"

Watch Movie Online - PT Sony Indonesia hari ini (29/7) kembali menggelar Sony Expo Wonders, ajang tahunan yang diadakan untuk memamerkan produk-produk terbaru vendor Jepang tersebut. Sony Expo Wonders 2010 yang mengambil tema "The Mission Town, ini digelar di Atrium Mal Kelapa Gading 3, Jakarta Utara. Acara ini akan berlangsung hingga hari Minggu, 1 Agustus mendatang.

Berdasarkan tema "The Mission Town" tersebut, Sony Expo Wonders yang telah digelar untuk keempat kalinya di Indonesia itu menyajikan arena-arena permainan menggunakan produk-produk terbaru Sony. Pengunjung bisa berpartisipasi dalam acara ini, dengan menjadi "agen khusus" yang akan menerima misi-misi rahasia yang ditugaskan oleh "kota misi" (The Mission Town) tersebut.

Para agen khusus akan menerima penugasan menggunakan gadget-gadget baru dari Sony. Misinya adalah mengunjungi sejumlah wahana dan mengumpulkan elemen-elemen yang dibutuhkan oleh kota itu.

"Melalui Sony Expo yang digelar setiap tahun kami ingin konsumen Sony dapat merasakan keunggulan produk-produk Sony yang dikemas dalam acara yang unik, dimana konsumen juga akan menikmati konten hiburan yang disediakan oleh kelompok usaha Sony," kata Rini F.Hasbi, Senior Manager, Marketing Communication Department Head PT Sony Indonesia, saat membuka acara.

Petunjuk misi yang akan dijalankan agen khusus bisa diperoleh di booth Town Info Center. Para agen khusus akan menerima instruksi dan pelatihan mengunakan berbagai gadget Sony untuk menjalankan misi-misi. Seperti Walkman, Handycam, kamera Cybershot, kamera seri Alpha, Playstation, laptop Vaio, ponsel dari Sony Ericsson, sampai televisi Sony Bravia.

Seperti Sony Expo tahun-tahun sebelumnya, eksebisi kali ini juga memamerkan produk-produk dari Sony Group lainnya, seperti Sony Ericsson, Sony Music Indonesia dan Sony Pictures.

Salah satu misi yang harus dilakukan para agen khusus ini, misalnya pencarian pahlawan di booth Hall of Fame. Agen harus Menemukan dan mengambil gambar sosok pahlawan yang akan menjaga dan melindungi The Mission Town agar selalu aman. Untuk menjalankan tugas ini, agen diberikan sebuah kamera Cybershot atau alpha seri NEX.

Ada juga misi rekam rahasia. Elemen yang harus dikumpulkan adalah mengabadikan momen-momen seru saat menjalankan misi. Perangkat yang digunakan dalam misi ini adalah camcorder Bloggie atau Handycam. Gambar yang terekam akan diunggah secara online ke Youtube dan akun Facebook Sony Indonesia menggunakan laptop Sony Vaio.

Menurut Rini, konsep "The Mission Town" ini diilhami dari "Salt", salah satu film terbaru koleksi Sony Pictures. Film ini menceritakan soal agen rahasia Amerika (CIA) yang diperankan artis seksi Angelina Jolie. Angelina, yang dalam film ini berperan sebagai Evelyn Salt, anggota CIA, mencoba membersihkan namanya saat ia dituduh sebagai pembelot dan bagian dari agen mata-mata KGB yang ditugaskan membunuh Presiden AS.

Monday, 5 July 2010

Prediksi Jerman Vs Spanyol Contoh

Cuando Me Enamoro - Mauricio Espinosa, line judge who does not rate England soccer player Frank Lampard's shot into the German goal in 16 games as a major goal, said the error was a misfortune.

In the replay, it became clear that Lampard kicks the ball hit the crossbar Germany, fell nearly a half meters behind the goal line before he could be arrested German goalkeeper Neuer Menuel.

"This is a misfortune. The ball is very fast and we do not we see it is a goal even though I was in the right position," said Espinosa told the daily El Pais on Monday (5 / 7).

He expressed the fact that he had made a mistake leaving the impression that very painful. But currently there is no choice but to forget about it. "Things like this can happen in football," he explained.

In these matches, Germany finally won the match with a score of 4-1. However, if the ball kick Lampard was stated goals and positions to be 2-2, it is not likely the end result will be another game.

Wednesday, 16 June 2010

Contoh Prediksi Argentina VS Korsel

Telenovelas - Argentina coach Diego Maradona, was impressed with Lionel Messi, the Barcelona striker since the squad "Albiceleste" for the World Cup in 2010. According to Maradona, Messi, who played well during Argentina's 1-0 win over Nigeria in Group B matches prime allowance, Saturday (12/6/10), becoming an adult.

"I want to say one thing about Lionel. I seen him so relaxed. He was so mature, I feel great," Maradona told the press.

"He needed a game like when against Nigeria. He showed leadership qualities, playing well with his peers, especially when the match is almost complete in the second round.

"When we saw the latest version of Messi, he never embarrassed. He kept trying to continue playing. He, along with (Carlos) Tevez, Nigeria undermine confidence in the second half."

Argentina will melakoni second group stage match against South Korea, Thursday (17/6/10). Maradona hopes his players can keep up your stamina South Korea, after they fought an all-out against Nigeria.

"Every time a player collides with Nigeria, the same as hitting a wall," said Maradona. "Hopefully, against South Korea, we did not suffer because of this."

Thursday, 3 June 2010

Lubang Raksasa Guatemala

Teresa Telenovela - At least 63 people are confirmed dead in Guatemala after a tropical storm struck the country's Agatha, several officials said Sunday.

Chimaltenango district governor, Erick De Leon, explained to Reuters that there were 50 victims killed in the territory which was previously not reported by the government nasinoal.

Chimaltenango located approximately 60km west of the capital Guatemala City, Guatemala.

Guatemalan emergency officials have previously reported death toll from Hurricane Agatha confirmed 13 people.

Tropical Storm Agatha menghatam Guatemala's Pacific coast near the Mexican border, Saturday, causing heavy rains drenched the area and at least 13 people were killed.

Agatha, the name of the first hurricane of the 2010 Pacific hurricane season, formed Saturday morning and quickly kicked off the mainland. The storm is alleged to have killed 12 people in Guatemala and one in El Salvador.

Guatemala announced a state of emergency during heavy rains that hit the Central American country, triggering mudslides that occurred disconnected streets, burying houses and raises fears over the fate of the largest coffee growers in Central America, which previously has been destroyed by the eruption volcanoes.

Two adults and two children were killed when mudslides buried their homes in Alomolonga, 200 kilometers west of the capital, Guatemala City, according to emergency officials.

Four other children and four adults were also killed in separate incidents in the capital, where avalanches of mud and torrential rain caused traffic jams and power failure in the various areas of housing, emergency officials said.

Eleven people were reported missing.

"This storm is so serious ... Worse starting around 9:00 pm Sunday and we extend the state of emergency status du entire country," said President Alvaro Colom at the press conference.

He added that the government is evacuating families from daerag-affected areas of risk.

Emergency workers reported that the rivers have overflowed due to heavy rain and warned of heavy flooding worse than the dust from the Pacaya volcano in the south of the capital, which jam up the drainage system.

In El Salvador, an old man carried away by rain water and drawn into a ditch where he was dragged, emergency officials said.

In November last, Ida storm triggered flooding and mudslides that killed at least 150 people, when they moved to northern Central America, according to Reuters.

Tuesday, 25 May 2010

Contoh Makalah

Triunfo Del Amor - The hottest planet in the Milky Way galaxy is currently being stretched like a ball because it was eaten by the parent star. This is based on observations made by astronomers using Hubble Space Telescope. Exoplanets were named WASP-12b.

"Planet WASP-12b still have time 10 million years more until fully discharged inedible," says Hubble scientist last week. WASP-12b is very close to the star like the sun so that the 'heat' due to the temperature reached 2800 degrees Fahrenheit.

Since the phenomenal powers, the planet's atmosphere has ballooned nearly three times the size of the radius of Jupiter. Even materials that have planets the size 40 percent larger than Jupiter is visible has eaten away the star.

"We saw a large cloud of material around the planet who wants to avoid being arrested by the stars. We have identified the chemical elements that have not been seen on planets outside our solar system," said Carole Haswell, research team leader of an Open University in the UK.

Distortions due to gravity planet was first predicted to star in a paper published in February 2010 in the journal Nature by Shu-lin Li origin of Peking University in Beijing. It is believed that the gravitational forces acting on the planet WASP-12b will make the interior get hot and eventually expand beyond the planet's atmosphere.